Electronic Meetings
Online Meetings for Worship
Many people find Meeting for Worship online a very meaningful experience. There are a number of opportunities, which Friends and newcomers may wish to take up.

Online Meetings - Local, National and International
There is a Meeting for Worship via Zoom (and in person) each Sunday from 10:30 AM.. Following the silent portion of the Meeting, there will be time for group sharing and announcements. Please enter the meeting around or before 10:15 to be ready for a 10:30 AM start.
Please contact the Clerks for connection details (Zoom link, meeting ID and password): RMcanberraclerk@quakersaustralia.info
Silver Wattle has generously offered for those of us under stay at home orders that we can join the Silver Wattle MfW from 8.45 to 9.30am weekdays via Zoom.
Contact Silver Wattle for connection details: CLICK HERE
Every Sunday at 5PM. Peter Hillery will host an online meeting every Sunday at 5pm, Eastern Summer Time. For details please see https://www.quakersaustralia.info/online-meeting-worship
Second and last Sunday of the month at 10:30am via Zoom. To connect to the online Meeting just click on the link https://zoom.us/j/3561168530. Contact the Clerk, Anne Felton for further information on 0448 691 761 and to obtain the required password.
(NOTE: Zoom now requires a password for security reasons. Contact the Clerk of the Meeting for more information: RMNSWClerk@quakersaustralia.info)
- Katoomba Worshipping Group on Thursdays at 2.00-3.15pm. Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/105065781;
- Northern Rivers Local Meeeting (Lismore) on Sundays at 10am on Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/764656778;
- Wahroonga Local Meeting on Sundays at 9.30am via Zoom link (join at 9.15am please): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9036798841?pwd=aS9uZ0haN2ExZWh3akxsQmdROWwrUT09
Meeting ID: 903 679 8841. For passcode, please contact: rosegriffith@bigpond.com
(NOTE: Zoom now requires a password for security reasons. Contact the Clerk of the Meeting for more information: RMQldClerk@quakersaustralia.info)
Every Sunday, you can join anytime from 9.30am (Queensland time). Meeting for Worship begins at 10am, concludes at 11am at Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/3122025467
(NOTE: Zoom now requires a password for security reasons. Contact the Clerk of the Meeting for more information: RMSANTClerk@quakersaustralia.info)
Eastern Suburbs Local Meeting will meet at 10.00am on Sunday for Meeting for Worship.
(NOTE: Zoom now requires a password for security reasons. Contact the Clerk of the Meeting for more information: RMTasClerk@quakersaustralia.info)
There will be a Meeting for Worship via Zoom will take place every Sunday at 10.30am. Link: https://zoom.us/j/945690267
(NOTE: Zoom now requires a password for security reasons. Contact the Clerk of the Meeting for more information: RMVicClerk@quakersaustralia.info)
There will be no face-to-face Meetings for the time being. There will be online meetings via Zoom:
- Northern Suburbs Local Meeting: Join from 10.20am, Meeting for Worship begins at 10.30am, ends 11.15am. Zoom link https://zoom.us/j/3123429029.
- Melbourne City Meeting: Zoom link https://zoom.us/j/156743201from 10.20am. Meeting for Worship begins at 10.30am, ends 11.30am.
This meeting is intended for social contact with other Friends across Australia (and the world).
Every Wednesday evening, 8.30 pm AEST
Meeting ID: 770 972 5207
Passcode: Friends
Dial by your location – Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb3a8nkQNb
Meeting ID: 770 972 5207
Passcode: 1085575
WARM invites Friends from all over Australia to join them in an online Friends “Catch Up” every Wednesday evening from 9PM AEST (7PM Perth time, 8:30 PM Adelaide time). There will be various break rooms for chatting about a variety subjects. For more information including Zoom link and password, contact David Tehr: davidtehr@gmail.com
Australia Yearly Meeting online Meeting for Worship is now being held weekly until further notice. Access is via Zoom or phone.
For details and access information, go here: https://www.quakersaustralia.info/online-meeting-worship
This Meeting for Worship via Zoom is held every fourth Sunday of the month at 7:00pm Eastern Time. There will be 30 minutes of worship, followed by afterthoughts and time for socialising. Everyone welcome! For those who need more than 30 minutes, the space will be available for silent worship from 3:45 onwards. For more information, including connection details, please contact us on rainbowsunday@quakerway.org.au
Daily Meetings for Worship occur daily from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM Daily (USA ) Pacific Time (1:30 AM 2:00 AM AEST or 12:30 AM to 1:00 AM AEDT – good for Australian night owls!)
Direct link to register and join an online Meeting for Worship: http://www.chatzy.com/frame/QuakerCenter
Occurs at 4.15pm every Sunday via Zoom
EARLY Meeting #1 First Prayer [Aotearoa/New Zealand, Australia, Oceania, Japan]
For Zoom connection details, contact: RMCanberraClerk@quakersaustralia.info
Sydney / Melbourne AEDT, UTC+10 – 16:15
Friends in the Ukraine have told us how much it means to be able to share this time with Friends.
Woodbrooke, UK, has expanded its online meetings due to COVID 19. For further details, go here: https://www.woodbrooke.org.uk/about/online-mfw/
Meeting for Worship Online is held every week on Thursday 6pm AEST. Worship will be for 30 minutes followed by afterthoughts and a time of fellowship.
Meeting ID: 212 540 3144
Password: 1652
Sundays 5pm AEST recommended as a centred community of new and experienced Friends.
Worship will be for 30 minutes followed by afterthoughts and a time of fellowship.
The link will be: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7151604648?pwd=a253KzZGV3lkcE96UUpOanZXdndsdz09
Meeting ID: 715 160 4648 Passcode: 385895
Weekdays TRM MfW 7am – 7.30am AEST, Friday 7.30am time for sharing.
Start the day with a Zoom Meeting for Worship – all welcome, to join click this link:
Meeting ID: 761 293 8035
Passcode:137 918
Contact maggi storr 0415 355 336