a silence of expectancy
Meetings for Worship
Our worship is based on silence – a silence of expectancy in which we seek to come nearer to the Spirit and each other as we share the stillness of the meeting. Participants are not expected to say or do anything other than join in this seeking. The silence may seem strange at first, since we rarely experience silence in everyday life. Don’t worry if you are distracted by outside noise or roving thoughts. This is typical.

What to Expect
Quaker Meeting for Worship – What to Expect
From time to time, someone may feel compelled by the Spirit to speak and the silence will be broken. Such ministry, which has not been planned before worship begins, seeks to enrich the gathered worship. If something is said that does not seem to make sense, try to reach behind the words to the Spirit which inspired them or allow them to be absorbed into the silence. Meeting for Worship is not a debate so it is inappropriate to respond directly to spoken ministry although it is not unusual for other ministry to build on what has been said before. (See Guidelines for Spoken Ministry.)
After Meeting ends, the Clerk of the Meeting welcomes everyone, and makes various announcements. After the Meeting, all are invited to share morning tea together.
A Silent Meeting for Worship
If you wish to experience a silent Meeting for Worship, we invite you to listen to the Silence Special Meeting for Worship recorded and produced by young British Quakers.
For more information on Quaker Meetings for Worship, see the pamphlet: First Time in a Quaker Meeting.